
Arctic Warehouse, Nordatlantens Brygge

Address: Strandgade 91
Voice: Julie Edel Hardenberg
You are standing at Strandgade by an old warehouse. The 7000 m2 warehouse, which today houses the cultural center the North Atlantic House (Nordatlantens Brygge), used to contain goods such as whale oil (tran), wool, stockfish and sulfur from the Danish colonies in the North Atlantic: Greenland, Iceland, The Faroe Islands and Finnmark/ Sápmi. The warehouse is located at the Greenlandic Trading Square (Den Grønlandske Handelsplads), which for 200 years served as the entry point for colonial trade from the Danish colonies in the North Atlantic before the goods were exported to the European markets.
I remember my first coin, a five Danish kroner coin. I recall not being very old as the coin took up my whole hand. The coin had a print of a lady and she looked like one of our dolls, like the ones with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked young although only showing her profile with a chignon. I noticed that she didn’t look like me and I wondered who she was. She didn't look like a Kalaaleq - a greenlander. My grandfather simply told me that she was the Queen and didn’t elaborate further. I was happy with my famkron (five kroner) coin and I planned to spend it on sweets: vinkum (wine gums) and tikkum (chewing gums). It might have been the first Danish words I’ve learned.

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  1. Hans Povelsen Egede (1686-1758) was a Norwegian-Danish priest, missionary and colonizer of Greenland from 1721. The statue of Egede was created in front of the Frederik’s Church (The Marble Church) in Copenhagen in 1913 by artist August Saabye and a copy of it was erected overlooking the harbor of Nuuk, Greenland in 1921. In 2020, following the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, both statues were spray painted with the words “Decolonize” and patterns of Inuit tattoos.
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